Posing tips for models and photographers in Commercial Photography situations

Have back-up models

Of course, this won’t work very well for doing a specific someone’s portrait, but if your’s doing a commercial photo shoot, it’s usually a good idea to have backup models.  You can just never tell when you’re going to run into one of those people that just can’t pose.  I don’t care how good the photographer is, there are just people out there that just can’t look natural in front of the camera.  The camera makes them freeze for some reason, and no matter what happens, your photo is going to suck because of them.  The best solution is to get them the heck out of there as soon as possible.  And to make that happen without a political disaster happening, it’s a good idea to have backups already lined up.  Or as you should express it to the subject, other “options”.  It’s a lot easier to bring up this “other options” idea if it were already floated before the shoot.  Rather than have to say that the model sucks, you can say something about the other model’s shirt color or the hair length or whatever you can rationalize and still not offend someone.  So, before the shoot, even if you don’t think you’ll need to, it’s a good idea to mention the idea of trying other models, if you have time.  And if the model sucks, you’ll make time.

When to always have backup models

There is a situation that I would highly recommend that you ALWAYS have model options.  It’s when you have to shoot young children or babies.  You just can’t depend on the little brats, even if their mother assures you of just how great they are.  Believe me.  ALWAYS have options for kids.  If it’s not in the budget, get some more money somehow.

One technique that I use for getting model options is offering a cancellation fee to the model that you don’t use. That way, you get to shoot both and pick the one you like afterward.  This is usually acceptable to most models, because they get some money, experience, and a shot for their portfolio.  And for good reason too.  From the perspective of the model, all those things I just mentioned are very valuable in building a career.

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